Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We were lucky enough to be joined by my Uncle Tom whom I haven't seen in years! It was so nice to see him and spend time with family. Kylie had a blast and is still asking for presents ha ha ha! We had a great Christmas but I'm glad it's done and we can move onto the New Year! 2010 I can't believe it! Wishing everyone a blessed 2010! I know we are looking forward to this new year.
On January 11th we will find out if this baby is a boy or girl. We have a few name ideas but are keeping them under wraps for now :). Once we know what we are having we can really start to get things ready!
Well... that's about it... I'll try to upload some pictures from Christmas soon but until then... GO DUCKS!!!!!!!