Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We were lucky enough to be joined by my Uncle Tom whom I haven't seen in years! It was so nice to see him and spend time with family. Kylie had a blast and is still asking for presents ha ha ha! We had a great Christmas but I'm glad it's done and we can move onto the New Year! 2010 I can't believe it! Wishing everyone a blessed 2010! I know we are looking forward to this new year.
On January 11th we will find out if this baby is a boy or girl. We have a few name ideas but are keeping them under wraps for now :). Once we know what we are having we can really start to get things ready!
Well... that's about it... I'll try to upload some pictures from Christmas soon but until then... GO DUCKS!!!!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Baby #2 is on the way....

Hi all SURPRISE! We're having another baby! I had an ultrasound today and got an official due date of June 3rd,2010! We are very excited and so relieved that everything looks perfect!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The New House

I know... it's about dang time... Here are some before pictures...
So the first one is obvious... the second one is the bonus room over the garage, 3rd is the living room, and finally the kitchen... now for the after pictures...

Okay... the first couple are Steve painting the house, then the kitchen with new paint and lighting, then the dining room, then the living/dining room and finally Kylie's bathroom. We are finally starting to slow down a bit after a hectic few months!

Friday, May 22, 2009


We are finally in our house. We got the keys on the 12th and did some painting last Friday before moving all the big stuff in on Saturday night. It's so nice to be in our house! Kylie is loving it so much. I will post pictures soon! Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and who supported us through this crazy journey... I can honestly say that we will be staying put for a long time after that whole drama packed journey. We can't wait to have everyone over to see our new place!

Monday, May 4, 2009


After days and weeks of trying I finally got it on film!!! I had to be a little sneaky but I got it! This is the cutest thing you've ever seen! Enjoy!

She is so smart... she's been doing this for about a month now. She gets a little better all the time!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Moving week...

Well, The week has finally come. We thought we would have been in our house by now but the bank (not ours) has been holding things up a bit. We have to be out of our house by this Friday so whether we are moving to our first place or to my parents has yet to be determined. Kylie knows something is going on but has no clue what is in store for her. We can't wait to get to the house and put all her toys in her playroom! Aahhh! One place for toys! I'm sure they'll still be scattered everywhere but oh well... we can try right :)
The only great thing about the delay has been that our mortgage guy was able to get us a lower interest rate than what we had locked in at! We are now down to a 4.62% interest rate which is AMAZING! When we started this journey we were thinking we would get about a 5.5% ... we're almost down a whole point!
I guess this week will determine a lot. We are praying that we have keys in our hands by at least Thursday! Wednesday would be better though!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We got the house!!!!

The bank accepted our offer today! We couldn't be more excited! We got the call from our realtor at about 11am and by 4pm we had picked out paint colors for some of the rooms and put in our 30 day notice! Yippie! We are no longer renters!!!!! I'll post pictures when we get to go up again.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

House Update... well... sort of...

Just wanted to let those of you who are curious know that after 7 days we have still heard nothing about the house. Monday we found out there were 2 other offers and that the bank wanted all parties to come back with their best and final offers within 24 hours which would have put us at Tuesday morning. It is now Wednesday night and we still don't know if we got the house or if we have to go back to square one all over again for the 4th time. I think if we lose this one we will take a bit of a break. This past week has been really rough on both of us. Keep praying that we get it. Out of our list of things we wanted and didn't want there is only one thing that we didn't want and it isn't even that huge of a deal (or so Steve keeps trying to convince me of). I will update with more information as soon as I know anything.

Friday, April 3, 2009

New month... new adventures...

So it's now April and a new month brings new adventures! We have been house hunting for a couple of months now and have put a couple offers on a couple houses and had a very strange experience. Wednesday however we received a phone call from our realtor and we ended up putting an offer on a bank owned property that we both absolutely fell in love with! I'm praying really hard that this is the one for us! I can see us staying there for a good long time and finally getting to make the place we live our home! I'm excited and nervous. Please say a prayer for us that we get this house! Hopefully we'll be celebrating soon. I'll keep you all posted!
Another new adventure for us starts tomorrow with Kylie's first swimming lesson! We'll see how she does since she's never been to the big pool before. After a month and a half of working 6 days a week Steve is finally taking a much needed break from work and will be off all next week so he'll be able to come to swimming lessons next week and take pictures :) Other than all that not much else is going on.
I'll post an update as soon as I know anything!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Where has time gone?

So we all know that I'm horrible at keeping up this blog but I try :) Here's a little update on what we've been up to....
We are now working on week 3 of being binkie free! This weekend has been rough because Kylie is getting a few teeth (4) and the binkie was always there to soothe her and now it's gone.
Over the last month or so we've been very busy. Steve has been working 6 days a week to help us get rid of all our credit card debt and add to savings. We recently got pre-approved for a house which is super scary and exciting all at the same time. Now we just have to find the house for us! We have been very blessed to be able to have jobs that aren't very affected by this horrible economy... everyone still wants their cable :)
Kylie is quickly learning new things all the time. She says about 30-40 words quite clearly! She also knows about 25-50% of her alphabet! Oh and she can count to 3! She is really into her baby dolls right now and her blocks! She also loves to read anyone who will listen a book :)
We are really looking forward to the weather getting better so we can get outside and play.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year!

Where do I start? I can't believe it's 2009 already. It's been a wild and crazy couple of months for us. Kylie had an amazing Christmas and got everything she could ever want and then some....
She even got Elmo Live! Elmo has become her new best friend... she yells "Mo" from across the room when we walk in the door at night. It's pretty funny!
She did some lounging over the holiday...
And she did some things that surprised even us...Not only did she stand on it but she pushed it to the table... it's a 36pack of soda!
So needless to say the soda goes straight to the garage now.
Our baby is growing up! Hope you all enjoyed the pictures! Hope to add more soon but for now I must go and sleep :)