Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kylie's Ultrasound

So I have to laugh about it now and enjoy the fact that I was able to have a day off with my family but the ultrasound tech did all she could to hold back the laughing when we told her we were there because of uneven fat rolls on Kylie's legs. Yes you heard me... the poor girl has uneven fat rolls on her legs and for that had a very long 15 mintues this morning being held down for an ultrasound to check her hips for hip dysplasia (spelling?). We are very happy that everything looked perfect but we already knew that :)
On to the next hurdle :) I know there will be more :)

1 comment:

Dave & Melissa said...

I'm so glad to hear that everything is ok. Kylie is so sweet and beautiful. It was fun seeing her the other day. Her hair has gotten soooo long! Do you have to put gel in her hair to keep her curls at bay?