Friday, May 22, 2009


We are finally in our house. We got the keys on the 12th and did some painting last Friday before moving all the big stuff in on Saturday night. It's so nice to be in our house! Kylie is loving it so much. I will post pictures soon! Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and who supported us through this crazy journey... I can honestly say that we will be staying put for a long time after that whole drama packed journey. We can't wait to have everyone over to see our new place!

Monday, May 4, 2009


After days and weeks of trying I finally got it on film!!! I had to be a little sneaky but I got it! This is the cutest thing you've ever seen! Enjoy!

She is so smart... she's been doing this for about a month now. She gets a little better all the time!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Moving week...

Well, The week has finally come. We thought we would have been in our house by now but the bank (not ours) has been holding things up a bit. We have to be out of our house by this Friday so whether we are moving to our first place or to my parents has yet to be determined. Kylie knows something is going on but has no clue what is in store for her. We can't wait to get to the house and put all her toys in her playroom! Aahhh! One place for toys! I'm sure they'll still be scattered everywhere but oh well... we can try right :)
The only great thing about the delay has been that our mortgage guy was able to get us a lower interest rate than what we had locked in at! We are now down to a 4.62% interest rate which is AMAZING! When we started this journey we were thinking we would get about a 5.5% ... we're almost down a whole point!
I guess this week will determine a lot. We are praying that we have keys in our hands by at least Thursday! Wednesday would be better though!